Wholesale Prune Products

Sowden Bros Wholesale Crates

For wholesale purchases contact us directly.

Natural Condition Prunes

These are prunes that are sold in bulk, usually one ton bins, to be converted into another form by a customer. The prunes are about 18% moisture and are not processed, but re-inspected for shipping.

Pitted Prunes

These are prunes that are re-hydrated to 24% moisture and the pits are removed. The size range is from 40 to 70 prunes per pound. They are available in either 30 lb. or 5 lb. cases and sold to distributors under the BUTTE SHADOW FARMS label.

Prune Juice

A water extract of dried prunes, our prune juice is packed 12 quart bottles to a case and sold under registered trademark of Mornin' Glory®.

Whole Prunes

These are prunes that are re-hydrated to 24% moisture and sold with the pits still in the fruit. They are available in either 30 lb. or 5 lb. cases and sold to distributors under the BUTTE SHADOW FARMS registered Trademark.

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